If you have been thinking about any kind of cosmetic dental treatment and thought the only option you have for it being done is your local dentist, then you are mistaken. For a start, you have the right to go to any dentist of your choosing, provided you have the funds to pay them.

At this point by ‘any dentist’, most people assume we mean one in your local town or within your state, but we are looking much further afield than that. In fact, we are not even talking within Australia because the dentists we are talking about are in Bali.

This Indonesian island is an extremely popular location for Australians who are looking for cosmetic dental treatment.

There are many reasons why they go there, with the most obvious one being the significantly lower prices of cosmetic dental treatment such as veneers and dental implants in Bali compared to Australia. The difference can be several thousand dollars depending on the specific treatment, so the incentive to travel there for those savings is high.

In addition, the expertise of the dentists in Bali and the levels of service patients receive is extremely high, plus there is always the added benefit of experiencing a different culture for a few days whilst you are there.

Whilst it is perfectly feasible to travel to Bali for routine treatment, where the biggest savings are made is with regards to cosmetic dental treatments. These are often considered as ‘nice to have’ rather than essential dental procedures and are often used to improve the appearance of one’s teeth, especially when smiling.

This is why the prices of this kind of dental treatment are higher than the more usual treatments like fillings. Without meaning to sound too cynical, people will always be prepared to pay more for something that makes them look and feel better than they will for something that is necessary but not visible, which brings us back to fillings again.

So, if you are considering cosmetic dental treatment, it will serve you to know which ones are available in Bali, so here are four of the most popular.

Laser Teeth Whitening
A hugely popular treatment and the one which is the least invasive. Using a laser the dentist can remove all the discoloration which may have been created from eating, drinking, and smoking. In doing so, they make the teeth as white as can be, and as such give the patient back the white smile they have been missing.

Porcelain Veneers
These are custom-made covers for teeth and are used to change the visible colour, size, and shape of a patient’s teeth. They are used to fix a number of issues that a patient may have such as discolouration, cracked or chipped teeth, teeth that are not straight, and gaps between teeth.

Dental Implants
For any patient who has lost a tooth or teeth, dental implants may be the solution. The procedure involves a titanium screw being surgically fitted to the jawbone, and once in place, the dentist then screws replacement teeth, or crowns, into them.

Dental Bridges
Another method of plugging the gap where a tooth is missing is a dental bridge. This is basically a false tooth, otherwise known as a pontic, which is held in place on either side of the gap by abutment teeth, which anchors the bridge.