There are several reasons why you may need a new website for your holiday resort business and whether it is for a new company, to replace an ineffective website, or if you are rebranding your business, your new website must include certain design criteria. Web design specialists will tell you that if any of these core design features are missing, your website will not be as successful as it could.

When we use the term ‘website design features’, we are not referring to specific visual elements, such as the border, the colours, or the fonts. Instead, we mean certain criteria that add to the overall functioning of the website, and most importantly, give you a better chance of converting those who visit that new website from prospects to paying customers. Here are 5 of the most important of those website design criteria.

It Must Be Designed With Visitors In Min

The most important people who should have any influence on how your website is designed are not the programmers, the graphics designers, or you, the owner of the business. In fact, it is the visitors who will ultimately be visiting and navigating through that site, and as such, everything included in the design must be created with a view to making it enhance the experience of those who visit the website. In other words, keep it simple, make website navigation easy.

It Must Have Crystal Clear Calls To Action

There is no point in having a website for your holiday resort business if it has no purpose. Further than that, every page should have at least one reason for existing. In the majority of cases, you want your visitors to take some kind of action, such as requesting a brochure, entering their details for a call or email reply, or indicating their holiday preferences. In each case, the call to action telling those visitors what they should do should be absolutely clear to them.

It Must Support And Compliment Your Branding

Visitors to your website may have come from a variety of places online, and even offline if your website URL is included in any offline advertising. For this reason, you must make sure that the branding you have on your website is consistent with any other branding which exists either online or offline. Any ambiguity or using different branding in different places within your website will confuse visitors, and one thing is certain; a confused visitor is far more likely to click away quickly.

It Must Include Specific Pages

Whilst you are liberty to include as many pages within your website as wish to promote the numerous holiday resort options which you offer, there are certain pages that every website should have. One is the ‘About Us page which gives visitors a greater understanding of the history of your business. Another is ‘Meet The Team’ which helps build a relationship with your visitors. Finally, there is the ‘Contact Us’ page allowing visitors to ask questions or seek further help.

It Must Function Properly At All Times

Nothing is more frustrating for visitors to a website than it loading slowly. In addition, once it finally loads, if there are problems with certain graphics and images not displaying properly, or certain functions do not work, you are at risk of not only losing that prospect forever, but also having your Google ranking downgraded as a result. Any new website must be comprehensively tested before launch, and existing websites should have their functionality checked regularly.