Whenever you plan on going on a long trip or a vacation overseas, a long list of matters must be decided upon. For many reading this, that will include the importance of what valuable jewellery you are taking with you. Checking your passport is up to date, booking a taxi to take you to the airport, and ensuring that the clothes you are taking will all fit in your luggage are important, but for lovers of their jewellery, this will take precedence.
To many people, the jewellery you take with you might be an automatic choice. That could be because you only ever wear a small range of beloved jewellery special to you, or you have jewellery which is your ‘go to’ jewellery every time you travel. However, suppose neither of those two scenarios applies to you. In that case, might be unsure how to proceed when taking valuable jewellery on vacation or a long trip away from home.
Fear not, because if you read further, you will see that we have outlined five tips we have gathered from seeking out the best advice and recommendations from those who travel often and, more significantly, from those who travel with valuable jewellery when they are away from home. These tips from jewellers give you some pointers on choosing what jewellery to take and ensure your valuable jewellery will be safe.